Jakub Tomeš

Freelance Software Developer, Computer Science Student, Indie Game Developer and 3D Printing Enthusiast

Some of my projects



BeadApp gives you a mobile tool for making simple bead patterns. Never again will you have to buy beads only to discover then don't fit in your design. Find your bead shape, choose a color and experience the freedom of unlimited beads.
Gear Factory

Gear Factory

Incremental game with infinite repalyability, created in Unity3D.


Ethereum blockchain project allowing for user identification on the blockchain. Created using Solidity and VueJS.
Personal Portfolio

Personal Portfolio

Personal Portfolio is an HR management application for a firm of any size. I have designed and developed the program leveraging modern web technologies like TypeScript, Vue, Electron and CouchDB/PouchDB to provide a flexible and high performance solution according to the clients specifications.

Little bit about me


Work Experiences


C, C#, Typescript, Javascript, Python, Vue, Angular, Unity3D, Godot, Git, Game Engine Design, Software Architecture Design, Game Design

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